Friday, August 30, 2019

Why do natural Gas Pipelines Explode? EXCLUSIVE

Why do natural Gas Pipelines Explode? Here's one reason.

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On today's podcast, Bill Huston explains Barlow's Formula and how this relates to corrosion.

This is ORIGINAL RESEARCH and Analysis.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

We have a big problem in New York.

We have a big problem in New York.
The Constitution Pipeline was just "approved" by FERC.


The original in-service date for the Constitution Pipeline was March 2015. We have achieved a 4.5 year delay!

I have produced hours of video about the Constitution Pipeline:
But is this the end of the line?
Stay tuned....

William Huston:
Binghamton NY

Public Service Mapping / Videography / Research / Education / Safety Advocacy
Blog -- Facebook -- Twitter  -- Youtube
Document collections: VirtualPipelines -- BHDCSDimockArchive
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Yesterday's FERC decision in Constitution Pipeline

Yesterday FERC issued an  "Order on Voluntary Remand" denying NYS DEC's motion to stay. This appears to give Constitution Pipeline a Green Light.

Here's my video commentary:

This will hopefully clear up some rumors circulating yesterday.

FERC said in yesterday's "Order on Voluntary Remand" they had reversed a 1/11/2018 Declaratory Order. I assumed FERC had overturned their own order. This turned out to be true,

  • Some people online were saying FERC had reversed an order of a "Federal District Court" --this was incorrect.
  • or that FERC had reversed an order of the 2nd Circuit. -- This is also incorrect.

    CP initially appealed the NYSDEC'S denial of the CWA §401 permit to the 2nd Circuit. This was in error, as the DC Circuit is the court of original jurisdiction for challenging a FERC action. 2nd Circuit properly dismissed for lack of jurisdiction of the FERC question, and refused to hear the pendant NY state question.
But yes what REALLY happened is that FERC did reverse their prior 1/11/18 Declaratory Order finding that DEC had not waived their right to object to the 401. 

Here is the NEW Constitution Pipeline Docket:

The most recent entry is yesterday's order:

Order on Voluntary Remand re Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC under CP18-5 et al.
Availability: Public
Order/Opinion /
Commission Order/Opinion
 Word    77K
 FERC Generated PDF    384K


Here's something Anne Marie Garti sent out with a timeline of events.
There's a lot of history here.

This all can be confusing unless you follow it closely.

Hope this helps,

From: Anne Marie Garti <>
Date: August 29, 2019 at 8:45:07 AM EDT
Subject: [Unconstitutional Pipeline] CP v FERC update

I laid out what just happened for the landowners. I thought I'd share this because it may answer some of your questions.
Anne Marie


Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 08:41:26 -0400
To: ED landowners
From: Anne Marie Garti <>
Subject: CP v FERC update

Good morning,

I'm writing to share some bad news. Late yesterday afternoon FERC issued an order declaring that the NYSDEC waived its right to deny the 401 water quality certification to Constitution because it did not act within one year of the initial application. Its decision is based on another case (Hoopa Valley) that was decided by the DC Circuit early this year. I gave the basic time line of what happened in my last email, which is pasted in below. (Scroll down to read it.)

We briefed the case in the spring, arguing that FERC should not change its position. However, as we all know, FERC wants to approve pipelines, and Hoopa Valley gave it a reason to overturn its prior decisions. That's what it did yesterday. (The order is attached.)

What happens next:

Now we have to request rehearing of this decision. FERC will then issue a tolling order so we can't get into court.

However, we also have our three-year-old challenge against FERC's certificate. The 2nd Circuit will now schedule oral arguments, so that may help us.

Constitution also needs a 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers before it can construct the pipeline. It's possible that the Army Corps will hold off on making a decision until the case is decided by the Supreme Court (see next paragraph), or another court.

Another twist:

On Monday (August 26), Trout Unlimited filed a petition for a writ of certiorari to the US Supreme Court regarding the Hoopa Valley decision. If the Supreme Court takes the case, it could reverse the DC Circuit's decision, undermining FERC's order. All of that takes time, so the goal now is to hold off construction until these other cases are decided. Of course, Constitution has the opposite goal.

Stop the Pipeline (STP) will schedule a meeting in September to discuss all of this.

STP may need to raise money. Over the past seven years you have received legal representation for free. This is a new round, so I hope all of you will contribute to the cause.

Anne Marie


Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 07:28:00 -0500
To: ED landowners
From: Anne Marie Garti <>
Subject: CP v FERC update

hi everyone,

I wanted to give you an update about Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC v FERC, D.C. Circuit Case No. 18-1251.

I've written up a timeline to remind you of what this is about. I also want you to know that this is the most serious legal threat we've faced.

On 10/11/17, Constitution petitioned FERC for a declaratory order that NYSDEC had waived its right to deny the 401 water quality certification. FERC opened docket number CP18-5 for this petition.

STP and others intervened and filed comments.

On 1/11/18, FERC denied CP's petition.

On 2/12/18, CP requested rehearing.

On 7/19/18, FERC denied rehearing

On 9/14/18, CP filed a petition for review in the DC Circuit

On 10/22/18, FERC moved to put the case in abeyance, pending the outcome of the Hoopa Valley case.

The court granted the motion, and ordered that a "motion to govern" be filed within 30 days of the Hoopa Valley decision.

Hoopa Valley was decided on 1/25/19.
Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC, 913 F.3d 1099 (D.C. Cir. 2019)

FERC filed a motion late yesterday afternoon, asking the court to remand the case so that FERC can issue a new order based on the Hoopa Valley decision. (The motion is attached.)

The D.C. Circuit will issue an order to remand.

Once the order is issued, we have 30 days to file papers about why and how CP is different than Hoopa Valley.

Once everyone files those papers, we have 20 days to file responses to the other side. (Yesterday afternoon FERC said we'd get 30 days, but when FERC filed the papers, it changed it to 20 days.)

Everyone who intervened has the right to file legal papers. Everyone else can comment.

FERC can either distinguish Hoopa Valley, and continue to say that NYSDEC did not waive, or it can decide that DEC waived. The purpose of the remand is for FERC to decide.

I assume the order will be issued next week, but I'm not sure. I'll forward it once it's issued, and then we get 30 days.
Anne Marie

William Huston:
Binghamton NY

Public Service Mapping / Videography / Research / Education / Safety Advocacy
Blog -- Facebook -- Twitter  -- Youtube
Document collections: VirtualPipelines -- BHDCSDimockArchive
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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

NYSEG wants to raise your rates! Here's what you need to know.

NYSEG Rate Case

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Video Playlist:

NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19

Individual Videos

  1. NYSEG Rate Increase! Public Hearing Info

  2. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Info Session 1/8
    (audio improves at 4:15)

  3. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Q+A 2/8

  4. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #1 -- 3/8

  5. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #2 -- 4/8

  6. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #3 -- 5/8
  7. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #4 -- 6/8
  8. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #5 -- 7/8 

  9. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Public Comments #6 -- 8/8
  10. NYSEG Rate Case Hearing Binghamton 8/15/19 Bill Huston Comments
Press & Sun: 
 NY PSC docket:


     Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Sec. NYS PSC
     Three Empire State Plaza,
     Albany, New York 12223-1350.

• Opinion line: 1-800-335-2120

• WEB:  Go to,
     click “Search,” enter case number,
     then click “Post Comments”

• Email:

• Comments are due by August 26

Case 19-E-0378 (NYSEG electric rates)
Case 19-G-0379 (NYSEG gas rates)
Case 19-E-0380 (RG&E electric rates)
Case 19-G-0381 (RG&E gas rates).

Talking Points:

Potential talking points: 

At the public statement hearings, tell YOUR story and experiences with utility bills &/or your opinion about our energy future.  Sample sentence starters might be: “When I receive my utility bill, I feel… “ or “I think that NY residents deserve a future that includes …” 

  • End Investment in Gas Infrastructure.  Expanding gas infrastructure is both an environmentally and economically unsound investment and should be abandoned.  
    • Rather, subsidize beneficial electrification, which includes MORE funding for electric transit buses and school bus fleets, electric vehicle charging stations, and clean heating and cooling technologies [heat pumps].
  • Develop income based programming and incentives for energy efficiency and heat pump technologies, so that everyone in our community can afford these technologies, and to meet the 5TBtu reduction in energy usage from heat pumps the State requires. 
  • Improve our energy infrastructure to better accommodate renewable energy sources, including distributed energy resources (e.g., solar, battery storage).
  • Improve storm preparedness and the resiliency of our electric grid to reduce power outages. 
  • Reduce electricity fixed charges to $6.  RG&E/NYSEG has the highest electricity fixed charge in the state, at $21.38. Fixed charges unevenly impact low and moderate income residents who typically use less energy, but pay as much in fixed costs.
  • End Winter Shut-offs.  Other utilities – including United Illuminating, a subsidiary of RG&E’s parent company – prohibit the inhumane practice of winter shut-offs due to inability to pay.  RG&E can too! Automatic referrals to energy efficiency and energy assistance programs should be standard practice for those struggling to afford their energy bills.
  • Make them Go Green to earn green $$. Shift to a performance-based incentive structure built on achieving affordable green energy goals to reform NYSEG/RG&E’s revenue model.  
  • Require that RGE collect the gross receipts tax when a municipality creates a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. This would allow the City of Rochester and other cities in RG&E/NYSEG territory to procure affordable carbon-free electricity for all their residents and small businesses.
  • Require consolidated billing so that community solar or other community distributed generation (CDG) projects would have their credits and costs on the same bill. Currently, the utility bill only includes the credits, requiring customers of CDG projects to get a second bill for the solar energy, which is slowing the growth of our local renewable energy industry.

Thank you!