Monday, September 28, 2020

Germ Theory Of Disease (H0ax Pt 1)

Here's the proof!

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"Excellent!" -- Danica Niketic

"Excellent analysis, easy to understand, superb original flowcharts.  Overall, this is a masterpiece, because it includes original analyses that I have not seen elsewhere, and the presentation is compelling."  -- Richard Jannaccio

"Bill, this is excellent! A very clear presentation that even a science dum-dum like me could understand. Thanks very much!!" -- Darlene Bordwell

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PLEASE Support my work! I have LOST MAJOR FUNDING based on this!
USPS: Wm Huston, PO Box 22, Endicott, NY 13761


Here are some screenshots:



PLEASE Support my work! I have LOST MAJOR FUNDING based on this!
USPS: Wm Huston, PO Box 22, Endicott, NY 13761

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Is COVID an Infectious Disease?

Visit Bill Huston's COVID Master Issues List:


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Do you have an open mind? Do you believe in SCIENCE?

We are going to discuss Epidemiology 101: When can we say we know we have a NEW, INFECTIOUS DISEASE?

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Before we can say we have a new disease, we must embark on a well-defined scientific process. With HIV/AIDS, this process took 2 years.

The Pathology is the study of the symptoms of the disease, and the effects on the body.

Etiology is the study of the CAUSE of the disease. Not all disease is infectious (transmissible, caused by a pathogen).

Lastly is Morphology: which is the study of the physical characteristics of the pathogen.

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2/11/2020 is the day COVID-19 was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ...
So what is interesting about this date?
Why is this date noteworthy?

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You can use the Wayback Machine to verify that the CDC updated the unnamed "COVID Syndrome" (our term) Definition at least 7 times between 3/14/2020 and 5/26/2020. If we consider all the NEW symptoms being added, like MIS-C, Hiccups, Depression, and my favorite, "COVID TOE", we realize this definition is STILL IN FLUX!

Prior to 5/26/2020 we can definitely say that the syndrome was neither stable, nor well-defined.

A stable and well defined syndrome IS A PREREQUISITE before starting your epidemiological method!!!



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Q: How can we have the answer 3 months before we could ask the question?


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Let's do the Time Warp Again!
(the COVID-19 Time Warp!)

Thursday, September 3, 2020

COVID Conspiracy -- Master Issues List




COVID issues master list
compiled by William Huston

(public interest researcher)
page started 9/3/2020

This page is a Master List of issues I have with the official narrative around so-called COVID-19. 

This is a work-in-progress.

  1. Bio
  2. How does a technical troubleshooter being the quest towards a fix (or cure)?
  3. Testing
    • PCR test cannot be used as diagnostic to detect infection!
      • (creator of the test Kary Mullis)
    • PCR test can be gamed to produce any desirable outcome by adjusting cycle count
    • Viruses are CREATED and shed by human cells. Some (if not all?) viruses are chunks of HUMAN DNA (or RNA). 
    • COVID test sequence: CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT is part of the HUMAN GENOME!!! (Chromosome 8)
    • False Positives / Bayes Theorem
    • What are the testing for? Virus has never been purified cf. Andrew Kauffman.
    • Sensitivity
    • Specificity
    • Nasal Swabs INVASIVE!
    • Body Integrity / Rape
    • An asymptomatic person with a positive test result IS NOT THE SAME as a new infection. 
  4. Virus
    • Virus has not been isolated
    • Is this a single virus?
    • Different Strains / Mutations
      • 2019-nCoV
      • SARS2-nCoV-19
      • HcoV-19 
      • SARS-CoV-2 (What? They dropped the "novel". Why? 
      • My favorite is Big Scary Virus™
    • Is the Virus theory of disease correct?
      • HIV/AIDS
      • Peter Duesberg
    • Virus is a Moving Target!
    • Even the name is a moving target! 
    • Exosome Theory: viruses are NOT infectious agents at all. 
    • Virus Theory of Disease breaks Koch's Postulates!
      (typically, MANY people can be shown to carry the virus, but never show symptoms). 
    • "THOMAS M. RIVERS" had to CHANGE SCIENCE in order to explain viruses! 
    • Maybe the entire theory is wrong??? 
  5. Syndrome
    • Unnamed Syndrome, skipped right over that!
    • Syndrome is DIFFERENT in different parts of the world
    • Syndrome is a Moving Target. See:
    • "COVID Toe", etc.
  6. Is COVID an Infectious Disease?
    • Science vs. Pseudoscience vs Voodoo
    • Germ Theory of Disease
      • "Pathogen causes Syndrome" Disease
      • Koch’s Postulates
    • Alternative Hypotheses examined and rejected?
      • Air Pollution
      • Water contamination
      • Glyphosate
      • GMO food
      • exposure to radioactive materials
      • RF radiation 5G/WiFi
    • Well-defined syndrome and Isolated Suspect Pathogen are PREREQUISITES for 
  7. Masks
    • Masks are ineffective
    • Masks are unnecessary
    • Masks are unsafe
    • Forced self-harm
    • Virtue Signaling
    • Dissidents are easy to spot
  8. Global Lockdowns
  9. Medical Martial Law
  10. Excess Deaths  
    • Unusual shape to curve
    • Excess Deaths occurred AFTER lockdowns
    • Medical Malpractice? 
      • Ban on HCQ miracle cure
      • Ventilators / Intubation
      • Nursing Homes
  11.  CASEdemic vs Pandemic
  12. "Healthy People are Carries of Disease"
  13. Social Distancing
  14. Masks etc are Child Abuse
  15. Media Issues  
    • Censorship / Shadow banning
    • Bullying
    • News Media Spreading Harm
    • Big Tech / Corporate Media collusion
    • Science is about a conversation / exchange of ideas
  16. Herd Immunity
    • What does it look like
  17. "Trust the Experts"
  18. Vaccinations
    • Are vaccinations safe?
    • Are vaccinations effective?
    • Body Integrity / Rape
  19. Kuhnsian Crisis of Science
  20. Rockefeller Medicine
  21. Prior simulations
    1. #Event201 
    2. Crimson Contagion
    3. Clade X
    4. SPARS 
    5. Dark Winter
    6. Atlantic Storm
  22. Did the Economic Crash have another reason?
    • Peak Oil? 
  23. Why? Big Picture
    • Cashless society
    • ID2020 / Digital ID
    • Track and Trace
    • 5G / IoT / SpaceX/Starlink
    • Digital Global Panopticon
    • "Great Reset"
    • Privacy Concerns
    • "New World Order"
    • Billionaires getting richer
  24. Stockholm syndrome
  25. Sharp Political Divide – WHY?
  26. Is COVID a PSYOP? / Mind Control

  27. =========== unstructured notes ====================

    Unstructured notes:

    1) Epidemics have followed a bell-shaped curve for 200 years. (William Farr, Farr's Law) 

    This was not like that. It was a SUDDEN SPIKE of excess deaths 21 days AFTER THE LOCKDOWNS.

    2) NY had one of the most severe lockdowns, and our Case Fatality Rate was 10x higher than seen anywhere else in the world.

    3) there was NO EVIDENCE of a pandemic in the US when the lockdowns occurred at the beginning of March.

    I am a data analyst. I have crunched big data as part of my job and as a hobby for 20 years. I understand trends and curve fitting.

    This is NOT the result of a virus.

    There are 3 HUGE reasons why COVID-19 has FAILED to be shown to be a disease.

    1) the "new syndrome" first was reported 12/12/2019

    (PS: It WAS NOT A "NEW SYNDROME!!!" It was first reported 12/31/19 as a "cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown cause". Pneumonia is NOT A NEW SYNDROME!!!!! The only reason you go looking for a new disease is if you have a New Syndrome!!)

    2) By 1/5 they blamed it on an Unknown Virus, and by 1/9 they had named the virus published the genome map!! Then by 2/11, Tedros Adhanom announced COVID-19 the DISEASE.

    This is a BIG PROBLEM!!! Why? because the CDC made updates to their list of COVID symptoms on all these dates:

    3/14: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath
    4/16: ADD: Chills, Repeated shaking w/chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat new loss of taste or smell
    5/13: DROP: Repeated shaking w/chills, ADD: Headache, ADD MINOR: GI tract, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
    6/13: ADD: Congestion or Runny nose

    OK: this means by MID JUNE they are still characterizing the SYNDROME!!!!!
    You have to have a stable and Well-Defined Syndrome BEFORE YOU BEGIN your epidemiological method!!! They said they were DONE Feb 11!!!

    That's not how SCIENCE works!!
    These people are practicing VOODOO.

    Why am I the only one mentioning this!!!

    And the biggest problem is:
    Of course they did!
    10/18/19 #Event201.
    It was a SIMULATION.
    They don't even try to hide it!

    They never looked at Alternative Hypotheses (to the virus): Possible causes of the "New Syndrome", Stuff like Bacteria, Black Mold, Toxic Chemical Release, 5G/WiFi, Air Pollution, Glyphosate, Water contamination, PFAS, GMO Wheat/Corn/Soy? Chemtrails... WHO KNOWS WHAT!?

    ---> THEY NEVER DID THIS!! It is a SCIENTIFIC REQUIREMENT!!! Whey did they INSTANTLY (without a proper investigation) decide it was a virus?

    It is Medical Malpractice.
    It looks to me like Andrew Cuomo intentionally murdered 20,000 people.
    And it wasn't 20,000 people from NJ, either.
    Those were New Yorkers he murdered.

Go read about Farr's Law.
What happened starting around March 28 (sharp spike in US excess deaths) DID NOT LOOK LIKE THIS!!! It was abnormal/atypical.
Epidemics in the Northern Hemisphere, -- and this has been observed over 100s of years-- It's normally a more gradual curve starting back in October.
Do you know what the US COVID outbreak looked like?
It looked like a system responding to a perturbation.
Read that last line X10
That is the key
It is an Impulse Response, like a cymbal crash, or an explosion.
So what STRIKE or HIT was the system responding to? Well, recall everyone locked down early March? That created a major shock.
Everyone says "look at all the lives Cuomo saved" by the lockdown! Whereas, the exact opposite might be true.
Three weeks later, an EXPLOSION of US Deaths.
I'm just going to lay out the facts and let you draw your own conclusions, lest you call me a conspiracy theorist. 😉

1: There have been exactly 3 studies of the efficacy of masks to prevent infectious disease with randomized clinical trials. They all came to the same conclusion: Masks Do Not Work:

2: Masks create an unsafe environment according to OSHA standards.

3: There is NO PROOF "Covid-19" is an infectious disease:

4) Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize-winning biochemist who invented PCR): PCR ****CANNOT**** detect disease!!